BinTech-US is being discontinued

We are sad to report, that the US-based archive server is being discontinued. This is a personal decision of the owner and operator of the server. One of the main reasons is the decrease in activity and the diminishing demand to access old files and projects stored on the server. We appreciate the availability of […]

2023 End of Year Tweaks

Just a few changes to servers and naming as the year is coming to an end. Additional upgrades of hardware for other nodes are planned in 2024.

BinTech-CMD & -DE Upgrades – Update

We are pleased to announce that the upgrades were successful and completed without downtime, besides minor disruptions during DNS changes and restarting of services and firewalls. Both servers are now running from relatively new platforms with fresh processors, newer ECC memory and SSD drives. We did add some additional HDD storage for file storage on […]